Founded in 1947, Veneklasen Associates is the oldest acoustical consulting firm in the world. Our knowledge of building science and professional standards is the result of decades of experience in the design of thousands of buildings worldwide. We believe that acoustics is a science, and that we are dealing with a quantitative subject wherein results should be predictable and subject to formulation. Much of acoustics can also be considered an art form, requiring skill and training. From these characteristics come insight and intuition, which can only be derived from experience.
• We are one of the founders of Acoustical Engineering, Noise Control, Vibration Control & Audio/Video design
• Our technology research includes reducing aircraft noise during WWII, to designing aircraft hush houses
• We are regularly invited to present research papers & professional seminars throughout the world
• We are a resource in our industry with decades of field data & lab data used for recommendations
• Our building research efforts have resulted in numerous innovations